Free Screenings

One in five Tennesseans will be affected by mental illness this year; however, nearly two thirds of those struggling with a diagnosable condition do not get the treatment and support that would help them recover.

Most people suffer unnecessarily from multiple episodes of mental illness, for 10-12 years from start of their symptoms until diagnosis and start of treatment.

Do not let this treatment delay happen to you or someone you care about!

Uno de cada cinco habitantes de Tennessee se verá afectado por una enfermedad mental este año; sin embargo, casi dos tercios de las personas que luchan contra una afección diagnosticable no reciben el tratamiento ni el apoyo que les ayudaría a recuperarse.

La mayoría de las personas sufren innecesariamente múltiples episodios de enfermedad mental durante 10 a 12 años desde el inicio de los síntomas hasta el diagnóstico y el inicio del tratamiento.

¡No permita que este retraso en el tratamiento le suceda a usted o a alguien que le importa!

Test de Ansiedad en Español!

Test de depresión

Screenings provide a quick, free, and anonymous way to identify whether you may be experiencing symptoms commonly associated with an illness and determine whether follow up with a professional is recommended.

Select a Screening
  • Select a Screening
  • Depression
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Psychosis Test
  • Eating Disorder Test
  • PTSD Test
  • Parent Test
  • Youth Test
  • Addiction Test
  • Treatment Survey
  • Postpartum Depression
  • Healthcare Worker Survey
  • Work Health Survey




A simple screening for Depression helped my daughter realize she was suffering from depression and probably had been depressed for a long time. She did the right thing, got help, and now I have my daughter back!




This project is funded under a grant contract with the State of Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services

The East Tennessee Foundation is one of the proud funders that supports MHAET’s efforts to provide free mental health screenings for East Tennesseans.

The Mental Health Association offers all services to eligible persons regardless of race, color, national origin or disability.

Thanks to QuestionPro for providing us over 35 question types to choose from. The advanced question types help up collect deep insights.
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