Have you or a loved one been dealing with an emotional struggle? Do you feel that no one would understand what you are dealing or can’t help you?
You are not alone, and you do not need to make your recovery journey all by yourself!
The Peer Recovery Call Center staff knows exactly what you may be experiencing because they have walked a mile in your shoes. Each staff member is a Certified Peer Recovery Specialist. They got help. They are in recovery. And they are ready to help you, join them in recovery!
If you need treatment for a mental health or substance abuse issue, the PRCC will work with you to find the best treatment and support resource available to you. Give us a call! (865)-584-9125 or email us at info@mhaet.com.

Read Toby's Story
As a child, I grew up in a dysfunctional home. My mother had manic-depression, now called bipolar disorder. My father was hard of hearing, deaf without the use of a hearing aide...
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Read Tina’s Story
How many of you know someone with a Mental Health Diagnosis? The World Health Report says there are 450 million of us...
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This project is funded under a grant contract with the State of Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services