21st Fall Psychiatric Symposium
Psychopharmacology Update & Addiction Institute
October 18-19, 2018
8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Newly Renovated – Holiday Inn at World’s Fair Park
525 Henley Street | Knoxville, TN 37902
Scroll down for conference agenda.
Continuing Education Units acknowledged through the following:
Tennessee Department of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services, Division of Substance Abuse Services
University of Tennessee College of Nursing
University of Tennessee Graduate School of Medicine
Knoxville Area Psychological Association
National Association of Social Workers – TN Chapter
Tennessee Mental Health Counselors Association
Mental Health Association of East Tennessee
Special Notices:
Registration Closing Date: The Mental Health Association may, in its sole discretion, close registration earlier than the published registration deadlines due to facility or individual capacity session capacity
Transcript Records Requests: Attendees receive CME or CE certificates in a timely manner after the event. Any request for archival records / certificate replacement beyond (older than) the immediate prior Symposium will be processed & will incur a $20 certificate replacement fee payable to the accrediting organization or the Mental Health Association of East Tennessee. No fee applies to the transcript records requested within six months of the previous Symposium
Don’t forget the Silent Auction at the Symposium
Add extra fun to the Symposium by bidding on GREAT silent auction items donated to the Mental Health Association of East Tennessee. All proceeds support our award-winning early intervention and recovery programs
Mental Health 101, School-based Outreach Program
32,547 students served in 2017-2018
107 Middle and High Schools
Helps prevent suicides and starting treatment earlier
Received the American Psychiatric Association Psychiatric Achievement Award in 2015
Peer Recovery Call Center
5,309 calls in 2017
74% of callers want peer support
62% following their treatment plan
Recognized by Home Federal Bank with Hometown Hero Award in 2015
“Check-up from the Neck Up” Mental Health Screening Program
Recognized by Screening for Mental Health as national top 8 Depression screening site in 2015 and 2016
1,773 screenings in 2017
90% screened positive for mental illness
76% report they will seek treatment
Thursday October 18, 2018
6 CE or CME Credits for All Day
7:30 AM to 8:15 AM
Check-in, breakfast, and exhibits
Breakfast sponsored by Mirror Lake Recovery Center
8:15 AM to 8:30 AM
Welcome, Announcements, Disclosures
8:30 AM to 10:00 AM
Opening Session, Henry Nasrallah, MD
Ten Paradigm Shifts in Treatment of Depression
10:00 AM to 10:30 AM
Break sponsored by Pasadena Villa
10:30 AM to 12:00 PM
Concurrent Breakout Sessions (Choose one)
A-1 Annette Mendola, PhD
Time for a change of heart? Ethics, Endocarditis, and addiction
A-2 Brian Bonfardin, MD
Basics in pharmacology and applications to medication management of Autism
A-3 Adriana Westby-Trent, PhD
Trauma-focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Networking Lunch
Lunch in lobby provided by Cornerstone of Recovery
1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
Concurrent Breakout Sessions (Choose one)
A-4 Daniel Sumrok, MD
Addiction is not About the Drugs: It’s About the ACES
A-5 Lane Cook, MD
Shy or smothering – Social anxiety and Panic Disorder: Meds+Therapy
A-6 Clif Mitchell, PhD
Tennessee Legal & Ethical Game Show Part 1
*PSYCHOLOGISTS, attendance & signing in and out of both parts of two-part sessions is required by APA for credit.
No partial CE will be awarded to psychologists attending only one of two sessions.
2:30 PM to 3:00 PM
Break sponsored by Focus Treatment Centers and Camelot
3:00 PM to 4:30 PM
Concurrent Breakout Sessions (Choose one)
A-7 Jeff Mangrum
Revisiting the Heroes Journey: Client engagement and the power of story-telling
A-8 Carl Bell, MD
Prevalence of fetal alcohol exposure in low-income African Americans
A-9 Clif Mitchell, PhD
Tennessee Legal & Ethical Game Show Part
*PSYCHOLOGISTS, attendance & signing in and out of both parts of two-part sessions is required by APA for credit.
No partial CE will be awarded to psychologists attending only one of two sessions.
4:30 PM
Please complete and turn in evaluations and check out in the lobby
Friday October 19, 2018
6 CE or CME Credits for All Day
7:30 AM to 8:15 AM
Check-in, breakfast, and exhibits
Breakfast sponsored by Bradford Health Services
8:15 AM to 8:30 AM
Welcome, Announcements, Disclosures
8:30 AM to 10:00 AM
Opening Session, Clifton Mitchell, MD
Using the Hidden Power of Language for Superior Client Outcomes & Self-Improvement
10:00 AM to 10:30 AM
Break sponsored by RiverMend Health
10:30 AM to 12:00 PM
Concurrent Breakout Sessions (Choose one)
B-1 Mark Gold, MD
Drug overdose, abuse, dependence & Depression: Chicken or the Egg
B-2 Jonathan Downar, MD
More remissions, more often: Translational advances in rTMS treatment
B-3 Irina Diyankova, PhD
Neuroscience & yoga in the treatment of complex and developmental trauma
12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Networking Lunch
Lunch in lobby provided by TIS Insurance Services, Inc.
1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
Concurrent Breakout Sessions (Choose one)
B-4 Mark Gold, MD
Food, sugar & behavioral addictions
B-5 Jami Woods, D.Ph.MD
Forgotten, but not gone: New treatments for Tardive Dyskinesia
B-6 Clifton Mitchell, MD
Advanced priming: Crafting impactful therapeutic dialogue
2:30 PM to 2:45 PM
Break sponsored by Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network
2:45 PM to 4:15 PM
Concurrent Breakout Sessions (Choose one)
B-7 Beth Rontal, MSW, LISW
Misery or mastery: Documenting medical necessity
B-8 Jonathan Downar, MD
The brains behind the patients: A neuroanatomical approach to diagnostic formulation and treatment
B-9 Stephen O’Connor, PhD
Teachable moments to enhance care of the suicide attempt survivor
4:30 PM
Please complete and turn in evaluations and check out in the lobby
Conference Learning Objectives
- Participants will review and discuss the evolution in treatments of depression, anxiety, tardive dyskinesia, and autism
- Participants will explore translational advances and applications in imaging, diagnostic formulation in treatment and postvention strategies with high risk patients
- Participants will identify and describe Trauma Focused therapies, Teachable Moment Brief Intervention, and priming techniques in clinical practice
- Participants will describe self-medication hypothesis, the Gold hypothesis on drug induced neurotoxicity, common co-morbidities, recent changes in SUD treatments and explore anti-craving and anti-addiction medications in food and other addictions
- Participants will be able to discuss legal and ethical requirements surrounding informed consent, confidentiality, dual relationships, and compliance issues involving emerging tele-mental health, and personal biases which may impact decision making and clinical practice.
Continuing Education Information:
Accreditation: This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Education through the joint providership of the University of Tennessee College of Medicine and the Mental Health Association of East Tennessee. The University of Tennessee College of Medicine is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
Education Credits: AMA: The University of Tennessee College of Medicine designates this live activity for a maximum of 12 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
PAs, NPs and Nurses: Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners and Nurses may use these credit hours toward certification renewal. This credit is acceptable by the American Academy of Physician Assistants (AAPA), American Nurses Credentialing Association (ANCC) and the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (AANP). To receive credits, you are required to sign in at the MD table in addition to the Nurse’s table.
Nurses: This program provides 12 contact hours through The University of Tennessee, College of Nursing. The University of Tennessee College of Nursing is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Tennessee Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. The specific criteria for awarding contact hours for this event includes the completion / submission of conference evaluation. Participants must include $10 CE fee with registration.
Psychologists: Knoxville Area Psychological Association (KAPA) is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. KAPA maintains responsibility for this program and its content. KAPA has designated up to 12 CE credits for attendees of the 21stst Fall Psychiatric Symposium; 6 CE credits for attending all day Thursday October 18th and 6 CE credits for attending all day Friday October 19th. In accordance with American Psychological Association policies, no partial CE credits will be awarded to psychologists either day. See the KAPA website, www.knoxvilleareapsychology.org for additional information on individual workshops including educational objectives and instructional level. There is an additional $20 fee for non-KAPA members wanting CE credit from KAPA. This fee is payable with your registration.
To receive CE credit Psychologists will be required to sign in and sign out at each session each day to comply with APA CE policies.
American Psychological Association rules require attendance at both parts of a multi-part session to earn CE for that session. No partial CE Credits will be awarded for attending one part of a two-part session.
Social Workers: This program was approved by the National Association of Social Workers – Tennessee Chapter (Provider Number: NASWTN 2018-0104) for 12.0 continuing education units.
Licensed Professional Counselors: This program was approved by the Tennessee Mental Health Counseling Association (TMHCA), a division of the Tennessee Counseling Association (TCA) and chapter of the American Mental Health Counseling Association (AMHCA), for up to 12 continuing education hours. TCA is an Approved Continuing Education Provider (ACEP) through the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC). ACEP# 2043
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapists: LMFTs are required by the TN Licensure Board to earn “Soft CEUs” or contact hours. Contact hours earned equal the total number of hours attended. Attendees may earn up to 12 contact hours based upon actual attendance.
Licensed Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors: This training is approved by the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, Division of Substance Abuse Services, for up to 12 LADAC contact hours.
Professionals Not Listed:
Please note your accrediting organization may accept a certificate of attendance (contact hours) for attending the Fall Psychiatric Symposium. Certificates will be provided based on actual hours of attendance. It is the attendee’s responsibility to verify the accrediting body can accept and apply this certificate of attendance toward CE requirements they may maintain.
Attendeeswillreceive CME or CE certificates in a timely manner after the event.
SOME entities distribute certificates at the Symposium
The GSM emails physicians a code to download their certificate about 45 days after the Symposium
Archive & Transcript Records Requests:
Any request for archival records / certificate replacement beyondwill be processed &incur a $20 Certificate Replacement Feepayable to the accrediting organization or the Mental Health Association of East Tennessee.
No fee applies to the transcript records requested within six months of the previous Symposium.
Travel Information
For Guest Room Reservations Call 1-800-264-1579 and provide the block code: MHA. Rate of $109.00 includes free guest parking
Booking link for the Mental Health Association of East Tennessee Holiday Inn World’s Fair Park
Directions will be provided to you a few days before the Symposium by email. Please provide legible email on registration form.
Leave home early & arrive early for best parking. Parking is FREE in the
Holiday Inn parking garage and Knoxville Museum of Art Upper Lot.
Overflow parking at the Hilton Hotel Garage, Clinch Avenue Parking Garage or other garages are NOT FREE.
NEW THIS YEAR: The Psych Symposium Trolley will pick up Symposium attendees at selected parking lots & garages before and after the Symposium. The trolley schedule will be emailed to participants.
ATTIRE: Business casual. Bring a sweater or jacket to put on or remove for your personal comfort.
Sponsorship support has been received from